Online Dietitian Dietician Öykü Kaçar

Online Dietitian

Dietician Öykü KAÇAR

Online diet is not just a nutrition plan, it is the first step of your journey to yourself. Meet your personalized nutrition program on a small screen where the whole world fits. Embark on a journey of discovery in the kitchen with our online diet and learn new ways to support your body.

About Me
About Me
About Me
Dietitian Öykü Kaçar

I graduated from Istanbul Haliç University, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics. During my undergraduate education, my interest in nutrition science deepened with my graduation project on the effects of nutrients on mental health.

My Online Nutrition Consulting Services

  • Obesity and Weight Control
  • Personalized Nutrition Plans
  • Online Consulting
  • Child Nutrition
  • Chronic Diseases
  • Vegan and Vegetarian Nutrition

Online Dietitian Services

Online dietitian services are professional support services that aim to help individuals and groups gain and maintain healthy eating habits. Services are provided in various areas such as weight management, nutritional counseling, sports nutrition, nutrition during diseases, nutrition during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and child and adolescent nutrition.

Frequently Asked Questions About Online Diet

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